Crop Production Research
A comprehensive crop production research effort address all major issues faced by our growers to raise buckwheat, mustard, and safflower (specialty crops). We assist our growers in planning and implementing all aspects of farming operations so that they can fit specialty crops profitably in their cropping systems. Our activities include:
- Arranging meetings to educate growers prior to growing season.
- Assisting with crop management decision-making during
growing season. - Implementing crop management research to answer grower questions.
- Sponsoring research to develop improved crop varieties.
- Assisting growers with technical handouts, bulletins, and extension publications.
These efforts help ensure the best quality products to enter our processing plants.
Processing and Quality Research
The latest processing equipment and laboratory technology ensure that our customers consistently receive quality food ingredients. Our processing and research also focus on
- Buckwheat flour effects on pasta, bread, and puffed snacks.
- New processing technology to “
deheat ” mustard. - Evaluating new uses of food ingredients, such as buckwheat starch for fat replacement and mustard flour as an antioxidant.
- Compare in-house quality lab data with other commercial laboratories.
Marketing Research
We constantly monitor the changing trends in the food industries. We study new ways of utilizing our ingredients. We accomplish this through:
- Direct contact with our customers.
- Participation in trade shows.
- Market research.
- Internet search and promotion.
The Cutting Edge
This integrated research and development approach helps Minn-Dak provide the best food ingredients to earn customers trust and stay on the cutting edge of the food ingredients industry.
Buckwheat bran and embryo flour) is the richest natural source of Fagopyritols, Rutin (bioflavonoid/strong antioxidant), high biological value protein comparable with animal proteins (25-35%), high content of lysine, B vitamins, minerals with high iron, high amount of dietary fiber, and vitamin E (especially alpha tocopherol).
High Selenium Food Ingredients
(Patent pending, # 10/773,594) Buckwheat, mustard, spring wheat, durum, and dry edible beans.
- Follow non-GMO procedure.
- High yield and disease resistance.
- Frost tolerance.
- Functional starch quality for soba noodles.
- Improved seed setting by
developming self-pollinated variety. - Improved nutraceutical values (high rutin and
fagopyritols ). - Large leaf size to better compete with weeds.
- Green seed (testa layer) for specialty Japanese market.
North Dakota State University
Fargo, North Dakota
- Use of buckwheat ingredients in spaghetti.
- Physical and chemical properties of buckwheat spaghetti.
- Test of cooking qualities.
- Sensory testing for buckwheat long and short goods.
- Evaluate functional quality improvement over regular pasta product
- Effect of temperature, moisture, and light on buckwheat seed setting.
Cornell University, Ithaca - Determination of chemical components of buckwheat milling fractions
Cornell University, Ithaca - Discovered and identified structures of Fagopyritols, new phytochemicals from buckwheat
Cornell University, Ithaca - Discovered and identified
new gene responsible for producing a Fagopyritol A1
Cornell University, Ithaca - Nitrogen and phosphate interaction on buckwheat production
North Dakota State University, ND Release of ‘Koto’, ‘Koma’ and ‘Green Testa’, three high-yielding buckwheat varieties
University of Minnesota-Crookston (UMC)
Crookston, Minnesota
- New herbicides testing for weed control.
- Herbicide carryover and buckwheat establishment.
- Nitrogen and sulfur interaction on buckwheat nutrition.
Minn-Dak Ag, LLC
4034 40th Ave. N.
P.O. Box 13276
Grand Forks, ND 58208-3276 USA

Contact Us
Phone: (701) 746-7453
Fax: (701) 780-9050

Office and Receiving Hours:
7:30AM - 4:00PM M-F